I spend a fair amount of time reading, and I enjoy exploring mystery fiction through many authors. My Book Nook is a forum to share some of the gems I have found along the way.

There are different ways of defining the many genres of mystery and crime fiction. As a tool to help people find authors and books they may enjoy, my reviews refer to six genres of mystery fiction.

Cozy/Classic Detective: No graphic

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descriptions of violence or sex. The sleuth in these stories relies on logic and his/her intellect to solve a crime.

Hard-boiled Detective: Usually involving a private

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detective, these stories have more grit and more emphasis on sex/violence in the story line. Sometimes these stories involve a “rough around the edges” police detective who

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is either working outside the system or ignoring police procedure in order to solve a crime.

Police Procedural: Stories about a police officer/detective investigating a crime. These investigations rely on police resources and are constrained by police rules and regulations.

Spy: Mysteries that are set in stories about espionage.

Legal/Court Room: Mysteries that are set in stories about litigation.

Caper: Stories that are told from the perspective

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of the criminals who are perpetrating crimes.

The Shetland Series by Ann Cleaves
If you like police procedurals, you’ll probably love the Shetland series of

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novels by award winning (Dagger, Dagger in the Library, Diamond Dagger) author Ann Cleaves. The Shetland series, like
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The Success of Treasure Island\n\n It would go on to gross a box office total of $4.8 million worldwide on aR$1.8 million budget. The film was particularly popular in Great Britain, where it was the sixth-most popular film at the British box office in 1950.
the main character Detective Inspector Jimmy Perez, carefully

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and methodically explores the nuances of each story. Giving the reader the time to appreciate the geography, …

The Shetland Series by Ann Cleaves Read More »

The Shardlake series of mysteries by C.J. Sansom
The Shardlake series of mysteries, by C. J. Sansom, is set in England just after the Reformation in the 1500s. I have categorized these books as legal mysteries because the main character

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solves mysteries as he takes on legal assignments,

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but these stories could just as easily be described as historical novels. C.J. Sansom does …

The Shardlake series of mysteries by C.J. Sansom Read More »